Salvador Ventura, winner of the Bruker prize 2020
The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2020 “Manuel Rico” – Bruker prize to:
Dr. Salvador Ventura, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – UAB (Barcelona, Spain),
For his extraordinary scientific trajectory in understanding the mechanisms of protein folding and aggregation and their connection with disease.
About Dr. Salvador Ventura
Full Professor in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – UAB (Barcelona, Spain).
Scientific Trajectory
Dr. Salvador Ventura is Full Professor in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – UAB. He obtained his Ph. D. in Biology at the UAB in 1998. Later, he spent research periods at Harvard Medical School, Karolinska Institutet, Università degli Studi di Roma and EMBL-Heidelberg. He was granted ICREA Academia awards in 2009 and 2015. Since 2006 he is leading the Protein Folding and Conformational Diseases Group in the Institut de Biotecnologia i Biomedicina – IBB at the UAB.
His laboratory combines computation with biophysical, molecular, and cellular approaches in a multidisciplinary strategy to understand the mechanisms of protein folding and aggregation and their connection with disease, in order to develop new therapeutic and diagnostic tools. Besides, this knowledge is exploited for the re-design of proteins of biotechnological interest and to generate new self-assembling nanomaterials.
More information
Please, visit the website of the Protein Folding and Conformational Diseases Group (IBB – UAB).
About the “Manuel Rico” – Bruker Prize
Awarded in memory of Professor Manuel Rico, who was a leading biophysicist, member of the SBE, and a Research Professor at the Institute of Chemical Physics ‘Rocasolano’, CSIC (Madrid). He was a pioneer using NMR technologies to study protein structure, stability, dynamics and interactions.
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Addressed to
Biophysicist who develope their main activity in Spain. Preference is given to members of the SBE working on Structure/Function problems from a Biophisics perspective.
3000 € and a talk scheduled within the programme of the 7th International Iberian Biophysics Congress (dates to be announced).
Past winners of this prize
- 2019: Germán Rivas (Madrid).
- 2018: F. Javier Luque (Barcelona).
- 2017: Alicia Alonso (Leioa-Bizkaia) and María García-Parajo (Barcelona).
- 2016: Xavier Gomis-Rüth (Barcelona).
- 2015: Juan A. Hermoso (Madrid).
- 2014: Óscar Llorca (Madrid).
- 2013: José Manuel Sánchez Ruiz (Granada) and Félix Ritort (Barcelona).
- 2012: Antonio V. Ferrer Montiel (Elche) and Marta Bruix (Madrid).
- 2011: Ignacio Fita (Barcelona).
- 2010: Modesto Orozco (Barcelona) and José Luis Rodríguez Arrondo (Bilbao).
- 2008: José García de la Torre (Murcia).
- 2006: Jesús Pérez Gil (Madrid).
- 2004: Javier Sancho (Zaragoza).
- 2002: José María Valpuesta (Madrid).
- 2000: Miquel Pons (Barcelona).
- 1998: Rafael Picorel (Zaragoza).
More information
Please, visit the SBE website.