Postponed: Imagin’Action image contest 2020

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic we are forced to postpone the fifth “IMAGIN’ACTION” image contest. It will be relaunched as soon as the end to the present crisis comes in sight.
Deadline and how to participate
Submit your images in electronic format by e-mail to before date to be announced.
Extract of Rules
Download here the complete official rules
- NOTE that the winner will be chosen 50% from public vote. Stay tunned with SBE social media: / !
- Submissions are limited to max 3 images per contestant.
- Images may be obtained by any method, but must have a direct connection to biophysics.
- All images submitted must include a title and a short description (approx. 50 words).
- The winner will be chosen among pre-selected images (max. 10) as a result of the following procedure: a) 50% out of Popular vote in SBE social media: / (date to be announced. b) 50% out of punctuation given by a panel of judges.
- The prize, sponsored by Hamamatsu Spain, will consist on a certificate and a contribution of € 250 to cover travel expenses to attend the 7th International Iberian Biophysics Congress (date to be announced, Coimbra, Portugal).
- The winner and two other finalists will have their images displayed in the main hall at the location of the 7th International Iberian Biophysics Congress.