Rafael Tapia-Rojo, winner of the SBE-33 prize 2020
The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2020 AntalGenics – SBE-33 prize to:
Dr. Rafael Tapia-Rojo, Columbia University (NY, USA),
For his remarkable studies on relevant biophysical problems such as search mechanisms in protein-DNA interactions and the description of protein folding pathways.
About Dr. Rafael Tapia-Rojo
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University (NY, USA).
Scientific Trajectory
Dr. Tapia-Rojo obtained his B.Sc. in Physics at the University of Zaragoza and his M.Sc. in Biophysics at the University of Barcelona. In 2016, he defended his Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Fernando Falo and Prof. Juan José Mazo (University of Zaragoza). His research focused on the development of physical models and the use of free energy methods to explore problems of biophysical significance, including search mechanisms in protein-DNA interactions and the description of protein folding pathways.
In 2016, Dr. Tapia-Rojo joined Prof. Fernandez’s laboratory (Columbia University) for his postdoctoral training. He uses force spectroscopy techniques and develops new instrumentation to understand the role of mechanical forces in protein function. In particular, his current work focuses on how mechanosensing proteins, such as talin, convert mechanical signals into a biochemical response by recruiting binding partners in a force-dependent way.
More information
Please, visit the website of the Biophysics of single proteins under force Lab (Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University).
About the AntalGenics – SBE-33 Prize
Recognizes the work of outstanding young Biophysicists under 33, independently of the country where their work has been done.
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Outstanding young Biophysicists under 33, independently of the country where their work has been done. Preference is given to members of the SBE.
1000 € and a talk scheduled within the programme of the 7th International Iberian Biophysics Congress (dates to be announced).
Past winners of this prize
- 2019: Anna Alemany (Utrecht, The Netherlands).
- 2018: Joan Camuñas-Soler (Stanford, USA).
- 2017: María Queralt-Martín (Bethesda, USA) and Álvaro Inglés (Klosterneuburg, Austria).
- 2016: Lorena Redondo-Morata (Marseille, France).
- 2015: Cecilia Artola (Madrid, Spain).
- 2014: Jorge Alegre-Cebollada (Madrid, Spain).
- 2013: Anna Shnyrova (Bilbao, Spain).
- 2012: Sergi García Manyes (London, UK).
More information
Please, visit the SBE website.