Taming active turbulence with patterned soft interfaces
Guillamat P, Ignes-Mullol J, Sagues F. Nat Commun 2017 Sep; 8: 564. Active matter embraces systems that self-organize at different length and time scales,...
“Papers of the Month” by SBE members (September 2017)
Guillamat P, Ignes-Mullol J, Sagues F. Nat Commun 2017 Sep; 8: 564. Active matter embraces systems that self-organize at different length and time scales,...
López-Martínez M, Artes JM, Sarasso V, Carminati M, Diez-Perez I, Sanz F, Gorostiza P. Small 2017 Sep; 13: 1700958. Electron transfer in proteins is...
Oliva C, Sanchez-Murcia PA, Rico E, Bravo A, Menendez M, Gago F, Jimenez-Ruiz A. Nucleic Acids Res 2017 Sep; 45: 9030. Mitochondrial endonuclease G...
Liu X, Seven AB, Xu J, Esser V, Su L, Ma C, Rizo J. Nat Protoc 2017 Sep; 12: 2014. This protocol describes reconstitution...
Zamora M, Mendez-Lopez E, Agirrezabala X, Cuesta R, Lavin JL, Sanchez-Pina MA, Aranda MA, Valle M. Sci Adv 2017 Sep; 3: eaao2182. Potyviruses constitute...