Biofísica is the Magazine of the Biophysical Society of Spain (Sociedad de Biofísica de España – SBE). It is published online and archived in a closed format every four months. It is intended mainly as a communication medium for SBE members, who are informed of major updates via a dedicated Newsletter. We also welcome any Biophysicist around the world and general public with an interest in Biophysics.
The Magazine contains intentionally short Articles: Editorials, “beyond Biophysics”, “cool Biophysics”, Commentaries and eventually Reportage and Debate articles. It also includes a section with Publication Highlights from SBE members and a selection of Announcements, like upcoming Events (Meetings, Courses, Workshops), Biophysics Jobs (Postdoc, Predoc, Internships) and News (EditorSelect, Awards, Grants and Fellowships).
Most of Biofísica has the format of a Blog, and new entries are inserted as Posts, categorized and with assigned Keywords (tags) to help you navigate through the magazine content. Comments to Articles and to some special Posts, are displayed up on revision and approval by an editor. We encourage you to participate!