Visualization of Single Molecules Building a Viral Capsid Protein Lattice through Stochastic Pathways
Valbuena A, Maity S, Mateu MG, Roos WH. ACS Nano 2020 Jul; 14: 8724. Direct visualization of pathways followed by single molecules while they...
Valbuena A, Maity S, Mateu MG, Roos WH. ACS Nano 2020 Jul; 14: 8724. Direct visualization of pathways followed by single molecules while they...
Hernando-Perez M, Martin-Gonzalez N, Perez-Illana M, Suomalainen M, Condezo GN, Ostapchuk P, Gallardo J, Menendez M, Greber UF, Hearing P, de Pablo PJ, San Martin...
Biophysics in Virology A conversation with Peter Palese Luis Martinez-Gil, ERI BioTecMed, UV, Valencia (Spain). download As we have seen in this section, biophysics is...
Michael G. Rossmann (1930-2019) A towering figure of molecular biophysics Celerino Abad-Zapatero, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL (USA). download Michael G. Rossmann, a towering...
Cuervo A, Fabrega-Ferrer M, Machon C, Conesa JJ, Fernandez FJ, Perez-Luque R, Perez-Ruiz M, Pous J, Vega MC, Carrascosa JL, Coll M. Nat Commun...
DEADLINE: 12/31/2019 NIH funded grants on enveloped virus entry and host restriction factors; duration: several years A postdoctoral position is available at the Emory University...
Carravilla P, Chojnacki J, Rujas E, Insausti S, Largo E, Waithe D, Apellaniz B, Sicard T, Julien JP, Eggeling C, Nieva JL. Nat Commun...
Zamora M, Mendez-Lopez E, Agirrezabala X, Cuesta R, Lavin JL, Sanchez-Pina MA, Aranda MA, Valle M. Sci Adv 2017 Sep; 3: eaao2182. Potyviruses constitute...
Valbuena A, Mateu MG. Biophys J 2017 Feb.; 112: 663. Self-assembling protein layers provide a “bottom-up” approach for precisely organizing functional elements at the...
Structural basis for broad neutralization of HIV-1 through the molecular recognition of 10E8 helical epitope at the membrane interface Rujas E, Caaveiro JM, Partida-Hanon A,...
Attractive opportunities to young scientists The Institute of Photonic Sciences – ICFO, a world-class multidisciplinary research centre located in Barcelona (Spain) is expanding its activities...
Functional organization of the HIV lipid envelope Huarte N, Carravilla P, Cruz A, Lorizate M, Nieto-Garai JA, Kräusslich HG, Pérez-Gil J, Requejo-Isidro J, Nieva JL....