Visualization of Single Molecules Building a Viral Capsid Protein Lattice through Stochastic Pathways
Valbuena A, Maity S, Mateu MG, Roos WH. ACS Nano 2020 Jul; 14: 8724. Direct visualization of pathways followed by single molecules while they...
Valbuena A, Maity S, Mateu MG, Roos WH. ACS Nano 2020 Jul; 14: 8724. Direct visualization of pathways followed by single molecules while they...
Marin-Gonzalez A, Pastrana CL, Bocanegra R, Martin-Gonzalez A, Vilhena JG, Perez R, Ibarra B, Aicart-Ramos C, Moreno-Herrero F. Nucleic Acids Res 2020 May; 48:...
Pimenta-Lopes C, Suay-Corredera C, Velázquez-Carreras D, Sánchez-Ortiz D, Alegre-Cebollada J. Communications Physics 2019 Aug; 2: 91. Force-spectroscopy by atomic force microscopy (AFM) is the...
Funded by Tecnologías 2018 or/and by Synérgicos 2018, we offer a predoctoral contract to carry out a PhD Thesis on New Technologies Applied to Study...
Fumagalli L, Esfandiar A, Fabregas R, Hu S, Ares P, Janardanan A, Yang Q, Radha B, Taniguchi T, Watanabe K, Gomila G, Novoselov KS, Geim...
The Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness – MINEICO offers a predoc contract (former FPI) to carry out a PhD Thesis on Molecular Biophysics...
High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy Probing the dynamics of biomolecules Lorena Redondo-Morata, INSERM, Marseille (France) download Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)-based studies constitute today a fairly...
Mierzwa BE, Chiaruttini N, Redondo-Morata L, von Filseck JM, Konig J, Larios J, Poser I, Muller-Reichert T, Scheuring S, Roux A, Gerlich DW. Nat...
Colom A, Redondo-Morata L, Chiaruttini N, Roux A, Scheuring S. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2017 May; 114: 5449. Dynamin is a dimeric GTPase...
Valbuena A, Mateu MG. Biophys J 2017 Feb.; 112: 663. Self-assembling protein layers provide a “bottom-up” approach for precisely organizing functional elements at the...
Fuentes-Perez ME, Nunez-Ramirez R, Martin-Gonzalez A, Juan-Rodriguez D, Llorca O, Moreno-Herrero F, Oliva MA. Sci Rep 2017 Feb.; 7: 43342. Cytomotive filaments are essential...
Immunology and Biophysics A conversation with Francisco Sanchez-Madrid Jorge Bernardino de la Serna STFC – Harwell-Oxford (UK) download Although Karl Popper in his Philosophy...