Juan A. Hermoso {‘Manuel Rico’ – Bruker – SBE Prize, 2015}
![Manuel Rico - Bruker Prize 2015](http://biofisica.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/bruker_2015_award.png)
The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2015 “Manuel Rico” – Bruker Prize to:
Dr. Juan A. Hermoso
For his extensive CV, especially in recent years, and his important contributions in the field of Structural Biology.
About the “Manuel Rico” – Bruker Prize
Recognizes the excellence of work carried out in Spain in the field of Biophysics during the last 10 years.
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Addressed to
Biophysicist who develope their main activity in Spain. Preference is given to members of the SBE working on Structure/Function problems from a Biophisics perspective.
3000 € and a talk delivered by the awardee during a special session of the 15th SBE Congress (Granada June 10 – 12, 2015).
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About the 2015 Awardee
Dr. Juan A. Hermoso
Is Full Professor at the Department of Crystallography and Structural Biology – CBE of “Instituto de Química-Física ‘Rocasolano’”, CSIC, Madrid.
Scientific Trajectory
Masters Degree in Theoretical Physics, University of Salamanca, Spain (1988). Ph.D. in Physics, Complutense Univertity, Madrid, Spain (1992). Postdoct in the Laboratoire de Crystallographie CNRS, Grenoble, France (1993) and in the Institut de Biologie Structurale – IBS, Grenoble, France (1994-1995). Associate Scientist (1996-1998), Tenured Scientist (2005-2008) and Professor (2009 – ) at CBE, CSIC. Dr. Juan A. Hermoso is author of more than 144 publications in international journals and co-author of 5 books.
Research interests
Mechanisms of virulence and pathogenesis and the means to circumvent them, using Structural Biology. With a focus on proteins of the bacterial surface related to disease via key functions like host-pathogen interactions, division, antibiotics resistance or the remodeling of the peptidoglycan framework.
More information
Please, visit the website of Dr. Juan A. Hermoso’s group.