Editorial / Analysis
Irreproducibility in Research. What can we do about it?
The team of Editors
We all would agree with Karl Popper‘s statement:
Non-reproducible single occurrences are of no significance to science.
But what if a substantial percentage of published scientific facts are of the irreproducible category? […Read More…]
beyond Biophysics
Genetics and Biophysics
Borja Ibarra, IMDEA Nanoscience, Madrid (Spain)
Genes are us. Our genes tell us about our past and our present. Even more, as the role of genes in the processes of aging, health and disease becomes ever clearer, genes may eventually allow us to predict our future.
Text books, and the Wikipedia, describe Genetics as a field of biology… […Read More…]
cool Biophysics
Single molecule research: When biology meets physics
Felix Ritort, Small Biosystems Lab and Ciber-BBN, Barcelona (Spain)
Take a single DNA molecule and pull from its extremities, while recording the force-extension curve until it gets fully straightened.
This thought experiment, which was just a dream a few decades ago, has now become standard… […Read More…]