Biophysics in Iberia
Manuel Prieto, IST, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon (Portugal)
Iberia and Biophisics, two beautiful words: one from classical geography of Greek origin, and the other describing our scientific activity, which attained visibility in the second half of last century… In contrast with the imagination of Saramago (in the book “The Stone Raft”), well-known in all the Peninsula, the activity around Biophysics, is in an excellent momentt, but certainly strongly connected to the continent, not drifting into the ocean.
Scientific Societies are essential to nucleate and promote scientific activity… […Read More…]
beyond Biophysics
Light and Biophysics
Conversation with Lluís Torner
Xavier Daura, ICREA, IBB-UAB, Barcelona (Spain)
On 20 December 2013, the United Nations’ General Assembly proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies (IYL 2015), “stressing that enhanced global awareness of and increased education in the science and technologies of light are vital for addressing challenges such as sustainable development, energy and community health, as well as for improving the quality of life in both developed and developing countries“.” […Read More…]
cool Biophysics
An Emergent Structural Biology Technique for the Visualization of Macromolecular Complexity
Eva Nogales, UC Berkeley & Berkeley Lab, (USA)
Structural visualization is invaluable for a mechanistic understanding of macromolecular function. X-ray crystallography is a very effective method to produce atomic models of proteins and nucleic acids, but suffers from the requirement of large amounts of sample and the bottleneck of crystallization. On the other hand, NMR needs also large sample amounts and requires isotopic enrichment. […Read More…]