Editorial / Analysis
Spanish science funding: Low and inefficient
The team of Editors
In 2010, the Science magazine published an article stating, “Times are changing in España”, announcing that “there is a feeling of excitement that Spain is on its way to take a place on the world stage of science” [Levine 2010]. This optimistic prediction was based on solid ground: The investment of the Spanish Government in science had grown to reach a historical maximum in 2008, which in 2010 was still maintained, with only a slight decay. Novel, regionally driven and funded initiatives had led to the creation of new research institutes; more Spanish scientists were…
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beyond Biophysics
Immunology and Biophysics
A conversation with Francisco Sanchez-Madrid
Jorge Bernardino de la Serna
STFC – Harwell-Oxford (UK)
Although Karl Popper in his Philosophy of Science already questioned whether one scientific discipline can be reduced to the terms of another, sometimes, defining and naming cross-disciplinary fields set our minds in common grounds and helps stablishing a fluent communication to eventually produce ground-breaking beautiful pieces of science. Immunophysics. According to the English Oxford Dictionary, Immunology is…
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cool Biophysics
Mechanobiology of collective cell systems
Raimon Sunyera & Xavier Trepatb
aIBEC, Barcelona and CIBER-BBN Madrid (Spain)
bICREA, IBEC and UB, Barcelona and CIBER-BBN Madrid (Spain)
The concept of physical force is deeply integrated in our daily life. We experience it routinely with every heartbeat, walking step, or deep breath. As such, it may seem inconceivable to think that forces are not an integral part of the mechanisms that drive biological function. However, for a long time, modern biology attempted to explain life solely on the basis of the biochemistry of genes and proteins…
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REPORT – On the Biophysical Society Meeting 2017: Eric Betzig “super resolves” the way to ground-breaking science (New Orleans, Louisiana, 11-15 February 2017)
Jorge Alegre-Cebollada, CNIC, Madrid (Spain).
REPORT – On the First Biology for Physics Conference (Barcelona 15-18 January 2017)
Felix Ritort, UB, Barcelona (Spain); DPL and 1st BioforPhys conference chair.