Stretch and heal: new elastomer self-heals when damaged
Carla Huerta-López, CNIC (Madrid, Spain)
Editorial / Analysis
The scientific societies today (particularly SBE): Playground for interdisciplinarity and meeting point for science and society
Jesús Pérez-Gil
President-elect of the SBE. UCM, Madrid (Spain)
What is a Scientific Society? For many people this question may evoke classical pictures of a time when famous scientists defended their innovative studies in front of distinguished colleagues. Images like that represent historical sessions of the pioneering scientific societies that flourished since the XVII century…
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beyond Biophysics
Translational Biophysics
A conversation with Antonio Ferrer-Montiel
José Villalaín-Boullón
IBMC, UMH – Elche (Spain)
From the bench to societal wealth… Bio-scientists do research because we really like and enjoy unveiling the secrets of how nature works. At the beginning, we love carrying out our research on the bench, and later and most of the time, leading and managing research programs… …If, on top of it, we add the possibility that our work can deliver perceptible benefits to society, the gratification is extraordinary…
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cool Biophysics
Simulating Enzyme Catalysis
Vicent Molinera & Iñaki Tuñónb
aUJI, Castellón & bUV, Valencia (Spain)
Chemistry is about transformations between compounds as the result of forming and breaking bonds between their atoms. A detailed knowledge of these processes should open the door to one of the most desired goals in this field, which is the control of the rate constants that govern the time dependence of the concentrations of reactants and products. Changes in the concentration and preparation of the reactants…
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