5th International Iberian Biophysics Congress
June 15th – 17th, 2016, Porto (Portugal).
Congress Web Site: http://www.iberianbiophysicscongress.pt
Abstracts Book
- Application for grants: March 24th 2016
- Abstract submission and early registration: May 3rd 2016
Travel bursaries are available for young (PhD students and postdocs) attendees who are members of SBE. Applications will be accepted until March 24th 2016 and grantees will be communicated before April 11th 2016.
The Spanish (SBE) and Portuguese (SPBf) Biophysical Societies have agreed to reestablish Biannual meetings under the name of International Iberian Congress. They will keep the typical structure of International SBE Congresses. In particular, the two societies have agreed to maintain low registration fees and travel bursaries for young scientists, include awards of SBE prizes within the program of the Congress and keep the usual “structure” of symposia as well as the recently established workshop New and Notable in Biophysics.
- Protein Structure, Folding and Dynamics
- Membranes and Protein-Lipid Interactions
- Receptors, Channels and Transporters
- Cell and Tissue Biophysics
- Nanobiophysics and Molecular Recognition
- Computational Biophysics
- Bioenergetics
- Supramolecular Complexes and Biospectroscopies
- New and Notable
More information
Get updated information in this page or visiting the Congress web-site.