Postdoc position: Mechanics of membrane fission at single molecule level

Colaborative project between Prof V. Frolov and Dr. B. Ibarra laboratories.
We are looking for a talented, hard-working postdoctoral candidate to study at the single molecule level the dynamics and mechanics of the process of membrane fission mediated by dynamin proteins.
Prof V. Frolov applies novel experimental approaches combining nanomanipulations, electrophysiology, confocal and TIRF microscopy to characterize mechanical properties and dynamics of biomimetic and cell membranes at the nanoscale.
Dr. B. Ibarra laboratory uses nanoscale principles and techniques (like optical tweezers) to understand at the molecular level the physical-chemical and mechanistic principles of operation of biological molecular motors. The research will take place at IMDEA Nanoscience, a highly interdisciplinary and competitive research institute in the fields of Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Molecular Design.
- Qualified applicants should have a PhD obtained in recent years, expertise in the techniques mentioned above, and a solid record of research.
- Candidates should be able to design and conduct hypothesis-based experiments and prepare manuscripts.
- Interested applicants should send an updated CV and a brief statement of research interest to or, before July 15th.