Postdoc Position in Advanced Photonic Antennas for Cellular Nanoimaging
Postdoctoral research position open at the Institute of Photonic Sciences – ICFO, Single molecule biophotonics research group (Prof. Maria Garcia-Parajo) Castelldefels, Barcelona (Spain).
ICFO is devoted to research and education of the optical and photonic sciences at the highest international level. The Single molecule biophotonics research group focuses on the development and application of advanced photonic techniques, including near- and far-field approaches, fully adapted to the study of biological processes at the single molecular level on living cells.
The project aims at implementing and exploiting novel concepts of 2D photonic antennas for biosensing and cellular nanoimaging. The successful candidate will work on the application of 2D antenna arrays in combination with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to visualize the dynamic organization of membrane receptors and cortical actin in living cells. The research will take place within the framework of a European project, involving top international groups from industry, medical centre and academic partners.
The project will offer opportunities for short-middle stays in other laboratories of the consortium, expand his/her interdisciplinary training.
The call will remain open until suitable candidates are identified.
Application procedure
- The formal application should be addressed by e-mail to Prof. María García Parajo:
- Suitable candidates are requested to submit:
- Presentation letter with a declaration of interest
- Curriculum Vitae, including full address, a contact phone number and e-mail address
- The contact e-mail of three potential referees
- For updated information, please visit
More information
Please visit the web page of the Single molecule biophotonics research group at ICFO.