Posdoctoral Position in METABOLOMICS

Funded by MINECO Grant RTC-2016-5239-2
Topic: Metabolomics for the improvement of organoleptic quality in organic agriculture. The work will be performed at the University of Almería (Spain), under the supervision of Dr. Ignacio Fernández de las Nieves, Advanced NMR Methods and Metal-based Catalysts group.
We have access to an excellent infrastructure for structural and metabolomic studies including new lab space and modern NMR instruments equipped with state-of-the-art room-temperature probes such as TBI, TBO and BBFO in a 500 MHz spectrometer, and a QCI cryoprobe in a 600 MHz.
Required qualifications and experience
A motivated person with a PhD in Sciences and interested on the Agrofood domain. Knowledge in NMR metabolomics and in the use of specific softwares such as AMIX, SIMCA, MATLAB, etc. is a key requesite.
How to apply
Applications will be admitted not later than 31st of January. Interested candidates should send their CV, a cover letter describing their research interests and motivation, and the names of persons willing to write a recommendation letter to Ignacio Fernández.