Open call for experienced researchers and engineers in cell biophysics

Two postdoctoral and an engineer positions: Synergy Grant – 3 years
DEADLINE: End of February
NucleuX Madrid is a novel interdisciplinary consortium to study the biological and physical aspects of the cell nucleus from an integrative, essentially quantitative, perspective. NucleuX Madrid is based in Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) at translational interaction with the Institute for Biomedical Research Hospital Doce de Octubre (i+12).
This collaborative research program has been conferred with a badge of “Synergy Grant” by Comunidad de Madrid. The primary goal of the project is to investigate the role of the chromatin and nuclear metabolism in the physical observables of different types of nuclei and to develop novel cutting edge biophysical technology to study the nuclear bases of cancer.
Candidates should have a solid background in cell biology and biophysics and previous professional experience in multidisciplinary environments. Other appreciated qualities are instrumental skills with optical traps, microrheology and biophysical techniques (especially with optical microscopy platforms), development of quantitative analytical tools (statistics, image processing, Matlab, Mathematica, etc.) and expertise in cell culture, transfection, biochemistry, etc.
Competitive cv to obtain independent funding (in Spanish programs, e.g. Sara Borrell, Juan de la Cierva, etc.), good level of spoken and written English, high motivation and ability to get involved in a multidisciplinary team will be strongly acknowledged.
The positions are available in the labs of Francisco Monroy and Javier Redondo-Muñoz to investigate the role of the chromatin and nuclear metabolism in the mechanical and thermodynamic properties of the cellular nucleus.
NucleuX Madrid provides a highly stimulating environment with state-of-the-art infrastructures, and unique professional career development opportunities at Complutense University. We offer one-year contracts consistent with University pay scales (with possible extension for two additional years).
How to apply
Candidates should send a motivation letter, their CV and contact details of two referees, addressed by email to Prof. Francisco Monroy, Dr. Javier Redondo-Muñoz or Mrs. Mer Benavente (secretary).