New Approaches and Concepts in Microbiology
October 11 -14, 2015, EMBL Heidelberg (Germany).
EMBO | EMBL Symposium
Symposium Web Site: Follow this Link
This meeting aims to bridge the gap between traditional microbiology and systems approaches-novel technologies, by exposing microbiologists to new ways of addressing their hypotheses, and allowing systems or technology experts to get a feeling of the burning questions in the field and/or find collaborators for follow-up work or for applying their technology.
- Bacterial Systems biology- new approaches
- Single-cell approaches & Cell biology
- Antibiotic action-resistance-persistance
- Microbial communities/ microbiotas/symbiosis
- Evolution
- Pathogenesis & Infection
- Regulation, Signalling & Transcriptional networks
Registration for this event is now closed.
Registration Fee Waivers and Travel Grants are available for young researchers for the EMBO I EMBL Symposia Series (see Links below).
More information
Find more information in the Symposium Web Site.
See here a complete list of 2015 EMBO | EMBL Symposia.