Modern biophysical methods for protein-ligand interactions
EMBO | Practical Course: Modern biophysical methods for protein-ligand interactions. 1 – 5 June 2015, Oulu (Finland).
Course Web Site: Follow this Link
The main goal of this course is to give an introduction into the broad range of modern biophysical methods (SPR, FCS, CD, ITC, AUC, DLS/SLS, NMR, MS, single molecule spectroscopy, DSF, native gel electrophoresis, thermophoresis, electro-switchable biosensors) used to study the different aspects of protein–ligand interactions.
- Isothermal titration calorimetry
- Circular dichroism
- Surface plasmon resonance
- Dynamic and static light scattering
- Native electrophoresis
- Fluorescence based methods
- Electro-switchable biosensors
- Fitting AUC experimental data by using different algorithms
- 30 March 2015, Registration and Abstract submission
Travel grants
A limited number of travel grants are available for eligible participants. Applicants do not need to apply separately for travel grants for this event. Selection of awardees is handled directly by the organizer who will notify all eligible participants.
More information
- Find more information in the Course Web Site.
- EMBO Travel Grants’ page.
- See here a complete list of 2015 EMBO Events.