Membranes Beyond

International Workshop on Status and Perspectives in Research on Membrane Structure and Interaction
July 2–4, 2018, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario (Canada).
- March 31, 2018. Submission of abstracts.
- May 31, 2018. Registration.
To highlighting recent approaches and developing ideas in research on membrane structure and interaction the International Workshop Membranes Beyond is organized at McMaster University in Hamilton ON, Canada, on July 2-4, 2018. International experts working in the field will review recent developments and discuss future perspectives..
The workshop will also honour the work of John Katsaras and his group on the occasion of his 60th birthday.
Stephen White. UC Irvine.
John Nagle. Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Scott Prosser. Univ. of Toronto.
Peter Tieleman. Univ. Calgary.
Richard Epand. McMaster Univ.
- Membrane phase behaviour.
- Membrane mixtures and rafts.
- Membrane dynamics.
- Lipid-peptide interaction.
- Lipid protein interaction.
- Simulation of membrane systems.
- Drug delivery systems.
- Membranes and signalling.
- Membrane fusion.
Maikel Rheinstädter. McMaster University (contact by e-mail).
Thomas Gutberlet. Forschungszentrum Jülich (contact by e-mail).
More information
Please, visit the website of Membranes Beyond.