First I2PC-FEI “hands on” course on image processing applied to the structural characterization of biological macromolecules

Octubre 17 – 20, 2016. Parador Nacional Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain
Organized by The Instruct Image Processing Center at the CNB-CSIC and FEI Corporation
Registration will close on July 31st, 2016
Targeting both industrial and academic attendees, the course aims to provide an in-depth presentation of current image processing methods in cryo-Electron Microscopy. The focus will be on the structural analysis of purified macromolecules, a field normally referred to as “Single Particle Analysis”. The course will be very practical and specially centered on the image processing steps leading to a cryo EM map; no prior knowledge on cryoEM image processing will be assumed. Most of the I2PC personnel, together with some of the most qualified FEI personnel in cryoEM image processing, will be assigned to the course during that period, so as to provide very close personal support.
Course content
The course will make use of the new workflow-oriented integrative software platform developed at the I2PC, referred to as Scipion. Therefore, participants will be exposed to workflows from most of the best known software packages in the field, such as Xmipp, EMAN, Relion, Frealign, Spider, and Bsoft. Special attention will be provided to automated data adquisition using FEI software EPU.
Technical and scientific Contact: Carlos-Oscar Sanchez-Sorzano, PhD.
Local contact: Federico Gago, PhD.
Administrative Contact: Ms. Blanca Benitez.
For updated information: Please visit the course website.