Molecules in biology and medicine
September 11-14 2018, Congress Center, Basel (Switzerland).
- 12 June 2018: Early registration.
- 12 June 2018: Abstract submission.
EMBO at BASEL LIFE is an international scientific conference on current and emerging topics in the life sciences
The conference will bring the best in fundamental research to a wide audience, ranging from leading experts in their fields to young researchers at the beginning of their careers, and to students. It aims to foster a fruitful exchange between researchers from academia, clinics, pharmaceutical and biotech industry, and it will promote excellence in the life sciences to a wide audience.
- Art and Science
- Cancer
- Plant disease and pathogens
- Microbial disease and pathogens
- Microbiota
- Sensory function and deficit
- Inflammation
- Neurodegenerative disease
- Aging and senescence
- Model systems in disease
- Metabolic disorders – Diabetes and obesity
More information
Please visit the website of EMBO at BASEL LIFE 2108.