Biological Oscillators: Design, Mechanism, Function

November 12 -14, 2015, EMBL Heidelberg (Germany).
EMBO | EMBL Symposium
Symposium Web Site: Follow this Link
Oscillations are abundant – from hormonal oscillations with periods of days and months, to genetic oscillations in the range of hours (circadian clock, embryonic oscillators) to metabolic and biochemical oscillations in the order of minutes (glycolytic oscillations) and seconds (Calcium-dynamics), oscillations are central to biology across different temporal and spatial scales.
Oscillation mechanisms across different scales: from circadian clock to embryonic oscillators to biochemical (metabolic) oscillations
Oscillation function: besides known clock functions
Quantitative/imaging approaches in order to study oscillatory dynamics
Higher-order phenomena, such as coupled oscillators and synchronization
Mathematical modeling and computational approaches to oscillatory dynamics
- 20 August 2015, Abstract submission
- 1 October 2015, Registration
Registration Fee Waivers and Travel Grants are available for young researchers for the EMBO I EMBL Symposia Series (see Links below).
More information
Find more information in the Symposium Web Site.
See here a complete list of 2015 EMBO | EMBL Symposia.