5th International School on Biological Crystallization – ISBC2015
ISBC Granada 2015 5th International School on Biological Crystallization. May 24–29, 2015, Granada, (Spain).,
Course Web Site: Follow this Link
Sponsored by the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, The University of Granada and the Specialized Group of Crystallography and Crystal Growth (GE3C) of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry, and it is supported by the Working Party on Crystallization (WPC) of the European Federation of Chemical Engineers and the International Organization of Crystal Growth.
ISBC Granada 2015 will focus on the fundamentals of crystallization from solution and its applications for the crystallization of biological materials. The School will provide five days of lectures on the crystallization of biological macromolecules, protein complex…
Juan Manuel Garcia-Ruiz & José Antonio Gavira, Directors of the School
Alfonso García Caballero
Duane Choquesillo Lazarte
Luis Antonio González Ramirez
Cristóbal Verdugo Escamilla
Bursaries and Accommodation grants are available. Please, contact the organizers for more information (follow the link below).
- 30th of April 2015: Registration
More information
Course program, information about grants and other details: Follow this Link