3-year Ph.D. position funded by GENERALITAT VALENCIANA
The Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics at the Departament of Physics, University Jaume I offers a 3-years predoctoral contract within the project Electrostatic and Entropic regulation of ion transport through viral and bacterial proteins. The selected candidate will be funded by the Santiago Grisolia PhD programme, and will have a net salary of 1200€ per month plus travel and tuition expenses.
We look for students with a proven track record of academic excellence and interest in the intersection between physics, chemistry and biology at the molecular level.
Required qualifications and experience
- Hold an internationally recognized degree by a NON SPANISH institution.
- Hold an internationally recognized master’s degree (or evidence of its completion by June 2018).
- Be ready to enroll in a doctorate program in the academic course 2018/1019.
Research topics
Main research topics are bioelectrochemistry in protein ion channels and charged interfaces and the biophysical characterization of membrane permeabilization induced by biologically active compounds.
This includes studies ralated to the following methodologies and concepts:
- Structure-function relationships in viral and bacterial proteins.
- Theoretical modelling of ion transport based on 3D atomic structure.
- MD simulations.
- Continuum models and Electrostatic calculations.
- Statistical Mechanics.
- Thermodynamics.
- Electrophysiology.
- Ion channel reconstitution into planar membranes.
- Noise analysis.
- Nanopores and other biomimetic materials.
How to apply
Applications and informal queries about the position and the project should be addressed by e-mail to Antonio Alcaraz (alcaraza@uji.es), using the subject “Grisolia Predoc”. Applications should include CV, cover letter, electronic copy of the Certified Academic Record for the degree and master, and names and contact information of two referees.
Additional Information
Selected publications by the Molecular Biophysics Group:
- Alcaraz et at. ACS Nano 11 (2017) 10392-10400 (highlighted by SBE).
- E. Largo et al. BBA Biomembranes (2018) 1860: 1015-1021.
- N. Kalu et al. FEBS Letters 591 (2017): 3481–3492.
- M. L. López et al. Nanoscale, 8 (2016): 13422.