2nd Summer School in Computational Biology – from Molecules to Tissues
Coimbra, Portugal, 5th-15th September 2016
Website: http://www.uc.pt/en/iii/initiatives/cbuc/CBSS2
Deadline for application: 25th July, 2016
An introductory course targeted to students from M.Sc. to post-doctoral levels…
- Introductory lectures on mathematics and physics for biologists, and biology for exact sciences students (parallel tracks).
- Courses on specialized Computational Biology topics ranging from the molecular level to integrated physiological systems.
- Seminars on recent developments.
- Mini-research projects where the students will have opportunity to apply the acquired skills to realistic research problems.
- Core knowledge for modeling biological systems.
- Molecular dynamics for lipid membranes and proteins.
- Protein-ligand interactions and drug discovery.
- Transcriptomics to characterize cellular mechanisms.
- Kinetic modeling of metabolic and signalling processes.
- Modeling of physiological systems.
More information
Please visit the school website: http://www.uc.pt/en/iii/initiatives/cbuc/CBSS2, or contact via e-mail: computational.biology@uc.pt.