15th FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum (YSF)

Satelite meeting of 40th FEBS Congress: 15th FEBS Young Scientists (YSF) Forum. July 2 – 4, 2015, Berlin (Germany).
The YSF 2015 is a satellite meeting of the 40th FEBS Congress organized by young scientists for young scientists. It will provide a pre-Congress international platform for PhD students and postdocs from the FEBS area to present their own research, and will also include keynote lectures and a roundtable event on skills and career issues.
Applicants (PhD students and postdoctoral fellows) must fulfill some criteria (see complete details in the YSF section of the FEBS Congress website):
- Be up to 35 years of age
- Be registered as a PhD student/postdoc or have completed a PhD within the last 5 years
- Submit an abstract to the 15th YSF and to the FEBS 2015 Congress
- Be a member of a FEBS constituent society
Successful YSF 2015 applicants will be supported for participation in the YSF and FEBS 2015 Congress. Grants will cover registration, accommodation in shared rooms and up to 80% of the travel costs (for both the YSF and the FEBS 2015 Congress).
- January 31st 2015, Deadline for submission
- March 2nd 2015 , Announcement Winners
More information
- Find more information in the Web Site of FEBS and in the the YSF section of the FEBS Congress website.
- For applications, please visit the Application & Abstract Submission section.