13th Nanospain Conference
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology in Spain
Rioja Forum, Logroño (Spain), March 15th – 18th 2016.
DEADLINES: Abstract submission and oral request: February 15th 2016.
Since 2004, NanoSpain conference has established as a well-known meeting aiming to agglutinate and coordinate the efforts made in the field of the Nanotechnology by Spanish groups from universities, research institutes and companies.
Consolidated as a reference meeting of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Spain, NanoSpain conference 2016 is not limited to a conventional presentation of ideas or results, but seeks to deepen the common themes among the participants, also serving as a link between industry and researchers. Over the past years, NanoSpain conference became more and more multidisciplinary and 2016 won’t be an exception.
- Graphene.
- NanoBiotechnology/Nanomedicin.e
- NanoMaterials.
- NanoElectronics/Molecular Electronics.
- NanoChemistry.
- Nanomagnetism.
- Nanophotonics/NanoOptics/Plasmonics.
- Nanotoxicology and Nanosafety.
- Nanotubes.
- Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPM).
- Scientific Policy.
- Simulation at the nanoscale.