10th European Biophysics Congress
10th European Biophysics Congress – EBSA 2015. July 18 – 22, 2015, Dresden (Germany).
- February 15, 2015. EBSA Bursary Application.
- March 15, 2015. End of abstract submission
- April 15, 2015. End of early bird registration
- July 8, 2015. End of online registration
Satellite Meetings
Before and after the EBSA 2015 conference, several satellite meetings will be held:
Spectroscopies in biology.
July 15-18, 2015. Hotel Sportwelt Radeberg
FREE workshop for eligible students
Visit webpage for further information -
FOR1805 / Metacode Satellite Meeting. Genetic code and translation: from single molecule to systems biology view
July 17-18, 2015. Internationales Congress Center Dresden
Visit webpage for further information -
3rd ARBRE Meeting.
July 17-18, 2015.
Further information will be provided in due time
Visit this site for further information -
Cell mechanics – From methods to applications.
July 18, 2015. Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden
Further information will be provided in due time
Visit this site for further information -
Active matter.
July 18, 2015. Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden
Further information will be provided in due time
Visit this site for further information
More information
Please, visit the Conference Web Site.