SBE adheres to the defence of Stephen Hawking after falsehoods and offences published in a blog backed by the ABC newspaper

Shortly after the dead of the distinguished physicist Stephen Hawking (Oxford, Jan. 8th 1942 – Cambridge Mar. 14th 2018), a libel was published in a blog backed by the Spanish newspaper ABC. The text ignores Hawking’s prestige and broadly acknowledged scientific value. Instead, with clear political and religious motivations, mocks his theories and ideas as well as his successful efforts to popularize Science.
The Spanish Royal Physics Society – RSEF has promptly reacted to that infamous text by witting a letter to the Director of ABC, asking him to counteract the attacks on Hawking’s honorability by publishing the letter, along with a link to the RSEF news, from where readers can find a selection of obituaries underlying the enormous personality of Stephen Hawking.
The Spanish Confederation of Scientific Societies – COSCE and the Biophysical Society of – SBE adhere to the letter written by the RSEF. The text, in Spanish, can be downloaded from