Juan Carmelo Gómez-Fernández elected new Secretary General of IUPAB

In elections held during the General Assembly of the International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics – IUPAB, on 18th July 2017, within the context of the 19th IUPAB and 11th EBSA congress (Edinburg, UK), Dr. Juan Carmelo Gómez-Fernández was elected Secretary General.
Dr. Gómez-Fernández is professor at the Unversity of Murcia (Spain). He has been President of SBE and at present he is Treasurer of the Latin American Federation of Biophysical Societies – LAFeBS.
During the same General Assembly of IUPAB Dr. Marcelo Morales, from Brazil, took office as new President and Dr. John Baenziger from Canada was elected Treasurer.
A new Council of IUPAB was also elected with members Silvia del Valle-Alonso (Argentina), David Crossman (New Zealand), Erik J. Dufourc (France), Hans Joachim Galla (Germany), Hiroyuki Noji (Japan), R. Daniel Peluffo (Uruguay), Peter Pohl (Austria), Ksenija Radotic (Serbia), C. Mohan Rao (India), Bryan T. Sewell (South Africa), Frances Separovic (Australia) and Giuseppe Zucchelli (Italia).