ERC Starting Grants 2014 – Full results – Update

Final results: 375 PI Grated, 22 will work in Spain
In addition to 328 early-career scientists awarded ERC Starting Grants in December, the European Research Council today announces another 47 winners as part of this 2014 call. They will receive funding, worth up to €2 million per project, to build their own research teams and pursue their best ideas at the frontiers of knowledge. The overall success rate in the complete call was around 11.5%.
The European Research Council – ERC has released the final results of Starting Grants corresponding to the 2014 Call. In its latest decision, ERC backs additional 47 top researchers, to sum a total of 375 projects granted. The successful scientists are from 38 nationalities, including EU members, Associated Countries and Other Countries. The Grantees will carry out their projects in 21 countries (18 from the EU, plus Israel, Turkey, Serbia and Switzerland). Germany (72 granted PI) and the UK (67) are, by far, the most successful countries. Spain occupies a modest 6th position, with 22 projects, mainly by Spanish nationals, although these numbers show a significant increase with respect to the previous call.
More information
- ERC Press Release: ERC backs additional 47 top researchers in 2014 Starting Grant call.
- ERC Starting Grant 2014 – Full results: Update – All domains by country.
- Statistics.
- ERC Funding.
- Success Stories: Striking ERC-funded projects
- Horizon 2020 Calls.