Reversible silencing of endogenous receptors in intact brain tissue using 2-photon pharmacology
Pittolo S, Lee H, Llado A, Tosi S, Bosch M, Bardia L, Gomez-Santacana X, Llebaria A, Soriano E, Colombelli J, Poskanzer KE, Perea G, Gorostiza...
Pittolo S, Lee H, Llado A, Tosi S, Bosch M, Bardia L, Gomez-Santacana X, Llebaria A, Soriano E, Colombelli J, Poskanzer KE, Perea G, Gorostiza...
Kuriata A, Iglesias V, Pujols J, Kurcinski M, Kmiecik S, Ventura S. Nucleic Acids Res 2019 Jul; 47: W300. Protein aggregation is a hallmark...
Ruiz-Pernia JJ, Tuñón I, Moliner V, Allemann RK. ACS Catal 2019 Jul; 9: 5902. Dihydrofolate Reductase from Thermotoga maritima (TmDFHFR) is a dimeric thermophilic...
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Deadline: July 16th, 2019. The Diputación General de Aragón (DGA) offers fellowships to carry out a PhD Thesis at the Universidad of Zaragoza (BIFI), about...
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December 11 – 13 2019, Harnack Haus, Berlin (Germany). Deadline for abstract submission and poster registration, September 30, 2019. The Biomembrane Days is a biannual...
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Biophysics and the war on cancer Francisco Blanco, CIC bioGUNE, Derio (Spain). download It was in 1971 when President Nixon signed The National Cancer Act...