i-Motif DNA: structural features and significance to cell biology

The recent detection of i-motifs in vivo has caused a great interest. In this paper the last findings about this fascinating non-canonical DNA structure are reviewed.
Abou Assi H, Garavis M, Gonzalez C, Damha MJ.
Nucleic Acids Res 2018 Sep; 46: 8038.
The i-motif represents a paradigmatic example of the wide structural versatility of nucleic acids. In remarkable contrast to duplex DNA, i-motifs are four-stranded DNA structures held together by hemi- protonated and intercalated cytosine base pairs (C:C+). First observed 25 years ago, and considered by many as a mere structural oddity, interest in and discussion on the biological role of i-motifs have grown dramatically in recent years. In this review we focus on structural aspects of i-motif formation, the factors leading to its stabilization and recent studies describing the possible role of i-motifs in fundamental biological processes.
PubMed: 30124962. Doi: 10.1093/nar/gky735. Free PMC article