IUBMB Focused Meeting on Molecular Aspects of Aging and Longevity
October 16 – 19, 2017, Athens (Greece). Deadlines May 1st, 2017. Abstract submission May 1st, 2017. Fellowships June 1st, 2017. Early registration Aging is an...
October 16 – 19, 2017, Athens (Greece). Deadlines May 1st, 2017. Abstract submission May 1st, 2017. Fellowships June 1st, 2017. Early registration Aging is an...
Annual Meeting of the Spanish Biophysical Society. June 6 – 8, 2017, Sevilla (Spain). Presentation On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is a great...
Jorge Alegre-Cebollada, CNIC, Madrid (Spain). download The 61st Biophysical Society Annual Meeting took place in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA on February 11-15 2017, organized...
EBSA 2017 Satellite Meeting Edinburgh International Conference Centre, 20th – 21st July 2017, Edinburgh (UK) Deadline for abstract consideration for a short oral presentation: 20th April 2017....
August 25 – 29, 2017, Berlin (Germany). Deadlines May 1st, 2017. Early registration This meeting aims to bring together scientists from across disciplines to advance...
Felix Ritort, UB, Barcelona (Spain); DPL and 1st BioforPhys conference chair. download On the 15-18th of January 2017 took place in Barcelona the 1st...
September 10 – 14, 2017, Jerusalem (Israel). Deadlines June 1st, 2017. Early registration The FEBS Congress aims to provide an outstanding international forum in the...
Joint meeting of RSC Faraday interest groups, including Biophysical Chemistry April 11 – 13, 2017, Warwick (UK). Deadlines March 14th, 2017. Registration for those wishing...
Coorganized by the biophysical societies of Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Portugal and Uruguay A delegation of the SBE, composed by the former presidents Alicia Alonso and...
April 5 – 7, 2017, Cologne (Germany). Deadlines January 11st, 2017. Abstract submission February 14th, 2017. Early registration What you can expect: It’s all about...
61st Biophysical Society Annual Meeting. February 11 – 15, 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana (USA). Deadlines January 9, 2017. End of early bird registration October 3,...
CNIC, Madrid (Spain), November 4th – 5th 2016 . DEADLINES: pre-registration September 18th 2016. Inscription is free, and there are 3 travel bursaries available for...