Tagged: Translational

Translational Biophysics

Translational Biophysics A conversation with Antonio Ferrer-Montiel José Villalaín-Boullón IBMC, UMH – Elche (Spain)   download   From the bench to societal wealth… Bio-scientists do...

International Center for Cardiovascular Research - CNIC

CNIC International PhD Program

Funded by “la Caixa” – Severo Ochoa Programme description from CNIC website: In the context of the CNIC International PhD Programme, la “Caixa” – Severo...

Retos-Colaboración 2015

Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad La convocatoria RETOS-COLABORACIÓN pretende estimular a través de la financiación de proyectos, la generación...

EuroNanoMed2: 6th Joint Call – 2015

EuroNanoMed II is an ERA-NET comprising 20 partners from 17 countries/regions, that has been granted for funding through the European Commission ’s 7th Framework Programme....