Germán Rivas winner of the Bruker prize 2019
The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2019 “Manuel Rico” – Bruker prize to: Dr. Germán Rivas, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas -CIB, CSIC (Madrid,...
The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2019 “Manuel Rico” – Bruker prize to: Dr. Germán Rivas, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas -CIB, CSIC (Madrid,...
Monterroso B, Zorrilla S, Sobrinos-Sanguino M, Robles-Ramos MA, Lopez-Alvarez M, Margolin W, Keating CD, Rivas G. EMBO Rep 2019 Jan; 20: e45946. Macromolecular condensation...
Macromolecular Crowding In Vitro, In Vivo, and In Between Rivas G, Minton AP. Trends Biochem Sci 2016 Nov.; 41: 970. Biochemical processes take place in...